
Sunday services

All  regular Sunday worship services start at 10.30amSt Ninians sanctuary

Eucharist service celebrated every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month.

Matins celebrated on 2nd and 4th Sunday.

Typically we share worship with St John’s Stranraer on the 5th Sunday. The location will be placed on the website and noticeboard.

On 30 March 2025, we will welcome the folk from St John’s Stranraer to join our worship service.

Weekly Worship

For visitors, it can be handy to get advance notice of the local style of worship but be assured there is no ‘right’ way to worship God. We offer a friendly welcome to all who pop their head in the door!

We are part of the worldwide Anglican Communion, and our style of worship is fairly middle of the road.

During prayers, you are invited to kneel or sit, whichever is more comfortable, and to stand for the Gospel, the Creed, and hymns. We sit for announcements, the Old and New Testament lessons, and the sermon. In the Order of Service, you are invited to participate where words are shown in bold.

We welcome you into our Christian fellowship and invite you to share in the Holy Communion. Come forward at the appropriate time. If you do not wish to receive communion but would like a blessing, please come forward during the Communion and leave your hands down by your side.

Please do not hesitate to ask someone if you are unsure about any part of the service. We want you to enjoy your time with us and to go home feeling spiritually fed.

Visitors have been ministered to this little building since 1937, and before that, they were in a house group that began in 1916 during the dark days of World War I. It is recorded that occasional Anglican services were conducted as long ago as the 1890s for summer visitors to Portpatrick.

Please come again on your next visit!